Partner Empower Equip Send

In the heart of the ministry of House to House, we ask God to put us in relationship with people who have a desire to reach the people around them, where then we could equip them to become disciple makers in the plentiful harvest.     Sometimes this is harder to find than some would think.   We’ve had many invitations to come and disciple hundreds of people, and where there is discernment in situations, most times it isn’t at all sustainable.   We’ve met with interested individuals, only to find the heart is not to expand God’s kingdom, but rather for their own personal motives.   We’ve definitely had our ups and downs, but God has shown us His faithfulness in prayer and waiting for the connections with those He has prepared for us.  


But what happens when God brings this desired partnership together?  The result is that all He wants to see done, will be completed.   In one heart and vision in the Holy Spirit, we can work to empower these individuals to see God’s plans and purposes move among the people placed around them.  This could be pastors, teachers, mothers, businessmen, young adults, and any non-believer.  The list goes on and on and is limited to no person, but rather a person whose heart is on fire for the Great Commission. 


From there, we can give them the tools they are needing to disciple effectively.  We can help them strategically think about the people they are reaching, how to structure their groups, what tools to use in their discipleship, and how to tackle the challenges that come along the way.  Our desire is that they feel not only prepared to initiate these discipleship groups, but also equip others to become disciple makers.  This is how discipleship movements happen. 


Once the leaders are equipped, they can be sent.  Now this doesn’t mean that our relationship with them is finished, in fact it’s just getting started.   We have the opportunity to have an on-going, supportive relationship with these leaders as they continue to pour into their groups and the later groups that can also emerge.  


This is a discipleship movement.  Not just a one individual person moving.  It’s the body of Christ, moving together with the Holy Spirit, to obey Christ and teach others to do the same.   Leaving space for the Lord to do His work is the best thing we can do as disciple makers.  It’s not about us, it’s about Him.