
 Thank you for desiring to be a part of the ministry work of House to House Uganda! We are excited to have you join our team in any of these practical ways. We have several ways for you to be involved, so find what's right for you! 


Making a contribution to House to House goes straight to work empowering Ugandans to become disciples of Jesus and leaders in their communities. We would love for you to join our team in this very practical way. To ensure your donation is tax-exempt we work in partnership with Antioch Global and Waypoint Church, both 501(c)(3) organizations. To make a donation towards House to House Uganda please chose to donate to either the Lee family in Gulu, Uganda or the Kronberg family in Arua, Uganda. Your donation will support our ability to live in Uganda and move forward in our work.


Insight Trips

Come to visit Uganda and see the impact of House to House for yourself. Learn how disciples are being made, Ugandans are leading their communities, and transformation is taking place. Get to know our leaders face to face. Insight trips serve to connect donors with the people being impacted by their support. Then, once the trip is over you can take back your personal experiences to share with others! 


Join Our Team in Uganda 

Our team is committed to living our lives, building relationships and serving communities of Uganda. We would love to grow our team with other people who feel called to serve. If you have a passion for sharing God's love with the people in your own life, then you may be a great fit for sharing about Him in Uganda! If you are interested in joining in the disciple making work of House to House please let us know!

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Already Working in Uganda?

We are passionate about sharing God's love with the people around us, and we know that others are too.  You may have been called to work in Uganda, in your own unique way, and have a passion to share about God's love in conjunction with your work. If you are already working in Uganda and would like the tools to be able to make disciples, then consider becoming a partner with us! 


Check out one of our partners Elephante Commons

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We would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions you can email us at info@housetohouseuganda.org or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram.