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Talking in Uganda

Jesus met with the same 12 disciples during his 3 year ministry, and at House to House we believe discipleship begins by following Jesus' example, with relationship.

Building relationship grows roots that become a solid foundation to begin discipleship. We walk alongside people, in steps of obedience, discovering who Jesus is, together. 

What does building relationship look like? Sometimes it is taking the same walk in your neighborhood for 6 months, so you can get to know your neighbors and start to build a foundation with them. Sometimes it is meeting with the same person every week to share what is going on in each other's lives, to begin to grow roots.

Whatever it is, we believe taking time and building  a solid foundation is crucial in the disciple relationship. 

We meet people in their own communities, in their own houses, where they already do life together and we engage in house church.

By reading bible verses together and asking each other questions about the scripture, we are allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and teach all of us. We are there to guide (not teach) the house church and raise a person in the group up to eventually guide the group themselves.

Our hope is that the gospel will follow natural relational lines into the villages throughout the region and that the the gospel will expand from our cities out to surrounding areas and countries that have unreached and unengaged people groups.