
We love to share stories of our impact, more about our team, relationship development, strategies and finances through our annual reports.

These reports are our way of sharing all of the impact that each of YOU, our supporters, are having in Uganda. We really cannot fully express our gratitude for YOU, without whom, there would be no House to House. 


23/24 Annual Report

In this year's annual report, we are delighted to share the remarkable achievements of House to House Uganda. Our team leaders have demonstrated extraordinary commitment and dedication to discipleship, resulting in the discipleship of 183 individuals, the training of 85 people in Bible Sharing principles, and the empowerment of 28 individuals to initiate Bible Sharing groups.

Central to our success has been our steadfast focus on prayer as a catalyst for disciple making group growth. This emphasis on prayer has not only guided our strategies and actions but has also fostered a sense of unity and momentum within our organization.

We are filled with gratitude for the dedication of our team members and the transformative power of prayer. Moving forward, we remain committed to advancing our mission of spreading the gospel and nurturing disciples through our Bible Sharing methods. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who support and partner with us in this vital work. Together, we continue to make a profound impact on communities and lives across our region with the gospel of Jesus.


22/23 Annual Report

In 2022/2023 House to House we were delighted to see the further development of our key team members. We have grown the knowledge base of our team as well as seen our Ugandan leadership create key resources that will benefit all of our bible sharing groups in the future. We are thankful to have had opportunities to train new believers in bible sharing methods from our partnership with Kijani Forestry. We have seen many people stepping out in faith and confident in their growing leadership skills, sharing God’s love with over 155 people this year.

We have also seen the fruits of our Arua team with new leaders emerging within the Arua community and new bible sharing groups growing together. We have seen leaders feeling empowered from the Arua area and growing new bible sharing groups in other parts of Northern Uganda.

We are grateful for all of the opportunities God has brought us and we pray that we will continue to steward them well.